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There are a variety of educational programs offered at Emmanuel during the “program year” – that is, from October through June. Folks of all ages are given the opportunity to grow in faith and knowledge through a variety of formats. You can get more information on each of these by going to the appropriate tab.

For adults, we offer a monthly “Lunch and Learn” where we study a particular book or topic. We also offer both online and in-person book studies, and classes like Episcopal 101..

For teens, we have a Youth Group that is open to all teens through high school, and a two-year Confirmation Class for teens who are at least 15 years old.

For children, we offer both Children’s Chapel during the 9:30 service, and online presentations and story time.

For families, we offer movie nights during Lent and thoughout the year, and programs and projects that adults, teens, and littles can do together.