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Throughout the years, Emmanuel has been blessed with generous folks who have shared their financial resources with us. Thank you for helping to support our ministry. If you would like to make a targeted gift to Emmanuel we have several ways for you to do that and they are listed below. Undesignated gifts will be used as an offering of support for our church and its programs. To give a gift to Emmanuel, you can choose among many ways:

  • You can place a gift offering in our offering plate during our weekend services.
  • You can mail your gift offering to us. (See our contact information)
  • You can use Vanco to Give to Emmanuel Electronically.
  • You can also use Venmo. Our account is @EmmanuelEpiscopal-Church
  • If you have any questions about donating, you can e-mail the office at

Individuals can also make plans for a bequest in their will to be used for the long-term benefit of Emmanuel Church. These types of funds can either be undesignated or designated. Leaving undesignated money puts the control of how those monies will be used into the hands of the Rector and the Vestry. Leaving designated funds allows the individual to decide how those monies will be used. Emmanuel has several possibilities for these types of bequests including:

  • Our Capital Account which is used for major building improvements
  • Our Garden Fund which is used for our Prayer and Meditation Garden
  • Our Mission Fund, which helps to support Mobile Loaves and Fishes, and other such ministries
  • Our Altar Fund, which helps us to purchase large items used for worship
  • Our Music Fund, which helps us to purchase instruments and build our music library

There are many different ways to leave money to organizations – some of which include the possibility of earning income now as well as benefiting the Church after your death. The best way to understand the range of options under planned giving is to work with your financial planner. If you do not already have an expert to help you, you can visit the Episcopal Church Foundation’s Planned Giving page, or work with one of the members of our financial team at Thrivent Financial Management. Links to each of these is below.

May God bless you as you consider your bequest to Emmanuel so that this parish can continue to serve God’s people here in Cumberland, RI.

Click here To view the Episcopal Church Foundation’s Planned Giving page