Loaves & Fishes RI is a food truck ministry that we share with other local churches. Pre-Covid, we would get together monthly (usually on the 3rd Saturday) and stock a food truck with hot lunches, new underwear and socks, and other such items. We would then drive the truck to several sites in the Woonsocket area and distribute the items to all who asked. During the pandemic, these funds have gone towards supporting the Community Care Alliance, particularly their Safe Haven project in Woonsocket. We look forward to the day when the food truck is “back in business!”
If you would like to donate monetarily to Loaves and Fishes of RI you can place your cash donation in the collection plate on the second weekend of the month, or use a check on any weekend, or put it in the mail. Be sure to label it as a donation for Loaves and Fishes of RI. You can also Venmo a donation using our account @EmmanuelEpiscopal-Church.
If you would like to to find out more contact John Davidson or Dennis LaFreniere at the office by calling 658-1506, or via email at emmanuelcumberland@gmail.com.