Our Pastoral Care ministries are led by our Associate, The Rev. Noël Bailey. Pastoral Care teams reach out to our members to help with a variety of needs. However various services are also available to those in the community at large. If you know of someone in need, or are interested in volunteering for this important ministry, please contact The Reverend Noël Bailey through our office. We have volunteers that will make every effort to see that the need is fulfilled.
Here are some of the areas in which we can minister:
•Provide transportation to doctor appointments, stores, etc.
•Provide emergency child care
•Visit shut-ins, or hospital patients
•Provide meals when someone in the family is sick
•Run errands (groceries, p/u prescriptions, etc)
•Participate in a group with others who are dealing with similar life events.
Remember, this ministry is not limited to our church family. If you know of a neighbor in need, we may have the resources to help. Contact the office for information 658-1506, or email us at emmanuelcumberland@gmail.com.